UK EITI Comms and Engagement subgroup meeting note, 5th September 2024

UK EITI subgroup meeting notes Mining & Quarrying / Oil & Gas

UK EITI Comms & Engagement subgroup meeting, Thursday 5th September 2024 via Microsoft Teams


Jeff Asser                           Madeline Young                              Tim Vickery (Chair)

Mike Nash                         Helmi Ben Rhouma              

Update on status of UK EITI C&E implementation plan:

  • Areas where the work was completed include attendance at the EITI Global Conference in in Senegal in June 2023. This included Lord Callanan in his capacity as UK EITI Champion and a delegation that included MSG members.
  • An accessibility audit for People Living With Disabilities (PLWD) has been carried out on the UK EITI website and data for the site continues to be updated on a regular basis.
  • Other public outreach in 2023 included a presentation to the All-Party Group on Extractives and other stakeholders at the House of Lords in July.

C & E “refresher” overview of current C&E Strategy

  • The 2023 EITI Standard did not include any significant changes under “Outcomes and Impact” requirements. 
  • Public interest in EITI remains low. It was agreed that there was still a lot of work to be done to improve outreach. Madeline offered to help with outreach to universities/students going forward.
  • It was agreed to make more use of the website to include news stories or announcements that will be of interest to the public. Jeff agreed to highlight any stories of relevance to the UK Secretariat.
  • Energy transition remains a focus and this is in-line with the EITI Standard.
  • Workstreams include maintaining the work of the C&E strategy and building on the understanding and opportunities of the new EITI Standard in preparation for the validation in 2025. 

Discussion of C&E priorities, gaps, way forward

  • It was agreed that going forward priorities should first be the forthcoming validation, while supporting implementation of the 2023 EITI Standard now and into 2025..
  • The C&E objectives will continue to drive the work and will need to be updated and agreed as a priority. The updated C&E Strategy will be worked up based on that. 
  • The subgroup should re-convene to look at the relevant requirements that need to be addressed before the validation starts. Look at holding the next meeting in October.


  • UK Secretariat and Tim Vickery to meet on 11th September to discuss how to implement agreed next steps.