UK EITI Compliance subgroup meeting note, 15th August 2024

UK EITI subgroup meeting notes Mining & Quarrying / Oil & Gas

UK EITI Compliance Subgroup Meeting, Thursday 15th August 2024


John Bowater                   Mike Earp                          Dr Pat Foster                                                   

Nicola Garrod                   Hedi Zaghouani                Mike Nash (Chair)

Update on actions from last meeting on 18th July 2024

There were no further comments on the actions from the 18th July subgroup meeting circulated to by email on 9th August (see attached).

Discussions on requirements

Requirement 4.10a – Project costs

Implementing countries are required to disclose government policies and practices for monitoring oil, gas and mining project costs and managing revenue loss risks. This must include the disclosure of relevant laws, regulations and policies, as well as actions undertaken to monitor costs.

(Action: It was agreed that further guidance from the EITI International Secretariat was required for this requirement. A follow-up meeting with Mark Burnett and International Secretariat colleagues should also be arranged to discuss in more detail).

Requirement 4.10b – Project costs

Implementing countries are expected to disclose final cost and tax audit reports, or summaries of those reports, including costs deemed as non-recoverable and costs deemed non-deductible and any additional revenues to be collected as a result.

(Action: It was agreed to add links on the UK EITI website to the HMRC Tax Gaps analysis and HMRC Annual Report and Accounts. The Tax Gaps analysis data is not broken down by sector, but by size of business). 

Requirement 3.2a – Production data

Implementing countries are required to disclose timely production data, including production volumes and values by commodity. Data must be further disaggregated by project, where available.

It was agreed that this requirement was “mostly met”. There is a lack of data for the mining and quarrying sector as this is no longer considered material enough to collect.

(Action: Update the UK EITI website with a link to the BGS UK Minerals Yearbook 2023, and update  data already available in the mining and quarrying section of the UK EITI website, but include caveat that there are no official data for mining and quarrying).

Requirement 3.2b – Production data

The sources of and the methods for calculating production volumes and values must be disclosed.

Implementing countries are required to disclose existing mechanisms to monitor and verify the accuracy of production data and document findings, including any weaknesses related to the comprehensiveness and reliability of publicly available production data. 

(Action: It was agreed to add a link to the NSTA Petroleum Measurement guide and data. There is no equivalent available for the mining and quarrying sector).

Requirement 3.3a – Export data

Implementing countries are required to disclose timely export data, including export volumes and the value by commodity and by exporting company.

It was agreed that this requirement is “mostly met”. Very little data for mining and quarrying.

(Action: John Bowater agreed to enquire where Aggregates Industries send the export data they are required to provide government. A link to the World Bank UK Minerals Exports data to be added to the UK EITI website).

Requirement 3.3b – Export data

Implementing countries must disclose existing mechanisms to monitor and verify the accuracy of export data and document findings, including any weaknesses related to the comprehensiveness and reliability of publicly available export data.

The subgroup are unaware of any existing processes or mechanisms for monitoring or verifying the accuracy of export data.