UK EITI Compliance subgroup meeting note, 18th September 2024

UK EITI subgroup meeting notes Mining & Quarrying / Oil & Gas

UK EITI Compliance Subgroup Meeting, Wednesday 18th September 2024


Mike Earp                          Leo Kellaway                     Tim Vickery                                                     

Helen Day                          Hedi Zaghouani                Helmi Ben Rhouma         

Mike Nash (Chair)

Update on actions from last meeting on 15th August 2024

Requirement 4.10 – Project costs

It was agreed that further guidance from the EITI International Secretariat was required for requirement 4.10.Comments and queries from subgroup members were sent to the EITI International Secretariat to consider and respond to.

Requirement 3.3 – Export data

John Bowater agreed to enquire where Aggregates Industries send the export data they are required to provide government. UK Secretariat to follow-up with John Bowater.

Discussions on requirements

Requirement 7.1a

The MSG is required to ensure that government and company disclosures are comprehensible, actively promoted, publicly accessible and contribute to public debate. Key audiences should include government, parliamentarians, civil society, companies and the media.

(Action: there have been several examples of use of the EITI data in the specialist press. Mike Earp agreed to try and locate some examples and send them to the UK Secretariat for use in the validation).

Requirement 7.1b

The MSG is required to: 

i. Ensure that the information is widely accessible and distributed. 

ii. Ensure that the information is comprehensible, including by ensuring that it is written in a clear, accessible style and in appropriate languages, and that it considers access challenges and information needs of different genders and subgroups of citizens. 

iii. Ensure that engagement with stakeholders and outreach events (whether organised by government, civil society or companies) are undertaken to spread awareness of, and facilitate dialogue about, governance of extractive resources, building on EITI disclosures across the country in a socially inclusive manner.

(Action: UK Secretariat to ask MSG members if there are any events before the end of the year that could be used as a vehicle for promoting EITI).